Hydrating Facial: 7 Reasons Why You Need One

Hydrating Facial: 7 Reasons Why You Need One
Hydrating Facial: 7 Reasons Why You Need One

Maintaining a youthful glow is one of the most common beauty goals when it comes to your skin. Summer presents a variety of challenges that can contribute to the appearance of premature aging indicators. Sun exposure, heat, and air conditioning can take their toll on your skin. 

Moreover, the stress of your daily grind may lead to dullness, breakouts, and increased sensitivity. But winter can be just as cruel. Cold air pulls moisture from your skin, resulting in dryness, tightness, and flakiness. Understanding the benefits of a hydrating facial presented in this article is the first step on your journey to healthy, youthful skin.

What Is a Hydrating Facial?

Hydrating Facial

Hydrating facials are treatments, ideally performed monthly, that help keep your skin hydrated and restore its healthy glow. Though the required frequency of hydrating facials may vary among people, getting them monthly coincides with the cycle of replacing your stratum corneum, the outermost layer of visible skin that can become flaky without proper care. 

Hydrating facials head off this cycle to help your skin restore itself before it begins to flake off. Moreover, as we will discuss later, hydrating facials facilitate the absorption of ingredients beneficial to your skin’s health. 

Hydrating facials follow the following steps:

  • Hydrating facials start with a thorough cleaning to remove impurities.
  • Gentle exfoliation follows cleaning to buff away dead skin cells without stripping out away healthy oil and moisture.
  • Various warming treatments follow, such as steam or warm towels, to open pores and improve the absorption of hydrating products such as serums.
  • The final step involves adding a layer of rich moisturizer to lock in moisture.

What Hydrating Facials Are Offered at in Massage and Wellness Collective?

Let’s face it. Our lifestyle in Portsmouth, NH, can be stressful at times, manifesting in various ways on our skin. Stress can cause dullness, breakouts, and increased skin sensitivity. Moreover, our cold winters are not helpful to our skin either, as cold air pulls moisture from the skin, causing dryness, flakiness, and tightness.

Fortunately, the Massage and Wellness Collective provides a sanctuary that is the perfect setting for hydrating facials any season of the year, regardless of the reason for your skin concerns. 

The benefits of our hydrating facial extend beyond the outstanding hydration they provide. We incorporate Omega 3+ Complex, packed with naturally active ingredients that mimic your skin’s natural lipids. These lipids are essential for maintaining a healthy moisture barrier. Because natural lipids deplete over time due to environmental factors and aging, adding Omega 3+ Complex to your facial restores these lost lipids, leaving your skin feeling softer, renewed, and glowing. The best part is that our facial is perfect for all skin types (though specific conditions may require medical evaluation first), even those prone to oiliness.

Seven Reasons Why You Need a Hydrating Facial

1. Hydrating Facials Can Leave Your Skin Hydrated and Supple

Hydrating facials involve beneficial ingredients, such as Omega 3+ Complex, that can bind moisture within the deeper layers of your skin, creating a long-lasting reservoir. This reservoir replenishes moisture lost throughout the day and overnight, allowing your skin to recover from dryness and flakiness and restoring your skin’s suppleness and elasticity.

2. Hydrating Facials Can Give Your Skin an Even Tone and Texture

Dry skin will leave your skin looking like sandpaper. This unevenness in your skin tone is caused by the dead skin cells resulting from dry skin. As mentioned earlier, the exfoliating step carefully removes these dry skin cells without stripping out oil and moisture. Without the dead skin cells, and with the moisture and skin oil retained, your skin will regain its even appearance, free from bumps and dry patches.

3. Your Skin Will Have Less Excess Oil

Though not all people have naturally oily skin, sleepless nights, stress, hot, humid weather, or, in the case of teens, increased androgen levels can cause the skin to be oily. Though the oil in your skin helps keep it hydrated, having too much oil causes acne and breakouts. The cleansing step of hydrating facials gently removes excess oil and the greasy appearance that can accompany it. Our cleansing ingredients help keep the oil level in your skin optimal to ensure your skin looks healthy and remains breakout-free.

4. Hydrating Facials Help Skin Appear Brighter, Softer, and Smoother

The hydrating serums and moisturizers added in the final step of hydrating facials help make your skin appear radiant and brighter. Treatment creams and moisturizers have nutrients that improve skin health. In the case of Omega 3+ Complex, its active ingredients help replenish the skin’s lipids, which will restore your skin’s natural glow. Hydrating moisturizers also help prevent moisture loss, which keeps your skin smooth and light to the touch.

5. Hydrating Facials Prevent Itchiness and Irritation

When skin becomes too dry, it begins to flake off, making you more sensitive to irritation. These sensitive spots appear red and are typically itchy. Hydrating facials help facilitate the regeneration of your skin’s cell structure, creating a new layer of skin that contains moisture and essential nutrients to keep it healthy.

6. Hydrated Skin Can Help You Better Absorb Healthy Skincare Ingredients

Hydrating facials can be beneficial to people who are going through skin treatments. Dry skin has fewer of the natural chemicals required for regenerative or healing skin treatments to work. The moisture and nutrients from hydrating facials serve as a conduit to help your skin receive the maximum benefits from other therapies.

7. Hydrating Facials Improve Blood Circulation

Some hydrating facials involve gentle facial massages. These gentle strokes help promote better blood circulation. This improved blood flow can facilitate the delivery of nutrients your skin requires to stay healthy, further improving your skin’s ability to maximize the benefits of skin care products.

Hydrating Facials: An Effective Ritual for Healthy and Youthful-Looking Skin

Healthy and Youthful-Looking Skin

Overall, hydrating facials offer a myriad of benefits beyond mere hydration, making them a vital part of any skincare routine.

Regardless of your skin type, the team at Massage and Wellness Collective in Portsmouth, NH, understands your skin’s challenges. Aside from hydration facials, we also have several different facials designed to address specific needs, such as anti-aging facials, teen facials, radiance boost facials, and more!

Massage and Wellness Collective also offers a broad range of massage and wellness services to keep your body and soul healthy. Experience the difference deep hydration can make in your skin’s health and appearance.

Schedule your appointment today and see how a hydrating facial can leave your skin feeling softer, healthier, smoother, and more radiant!