Spiritual in Portsmouth, NH

Psychic Readings in Portsmouth, NH

At the Massage and Wellness collective, we offer clarity and guidance to help you connect with your intuition and release emotional baggage to complement the wellness services we can provide for your physical well-being. As a sanctuary, we believe that we provide the perfect place to help you if you feel lost or confused about anything in your life.

While we treat you in the present moment, we also understand wellbeing is achieved through clarity towards the future and releasing the emotional baggage of past hurts. To offer you guidance through this healing, we provide Tarot Readings and Clairaudient Work.

Tarot readings can provide you with insight into yourself – where you have come from, where you want to go, and how to continue moving forward. A self-improvement technique, a tarot reading in our Portsmouth NH wellness center can provide you with an image of what your life is like at that moment and reveal influences, obstacles, behavioral patterns, and strengths that you may have been unaware of. As the future is dynamic, tarot reading does not predict the future or tell you what you should do; it can provide you with a range of potential future actions and outcomes. The benefit of tarot reading is that it gives you insight into your life to empower you to make useful decisions for a positive future. These sessions can be offered in person or by phone.

During a session you are guided to explore your inner energy and emotions. The purpose of this session is to identify, clarify, and release old traumas, programming, or repetition of negative outcomes. In turn this will provide a positive state of well-being and connection, allowing you to heal, and heighten your spiritual state of being. This session may involve meditation, visualization, reiki, and/or intuitively guided clairaudient work from the practitioner to help balance and harmonize your body, mind, and spirit. The goal of an inner alchemy healing session is to facilitate self-awareness, release emotional blockages, and restore harmony, ultimately promoting physical and emotional healing. This session is fully clothed.

The Akashic Records are the spiritual dimension that holds your soul’s archive – the information that transcends all time and space, that is your Essence – who you really are at your truest vibration. Benefits of an Akashic Records reading include:, understanding your purpose and why you are here, answering specific questions you struggle with or that currently lack clarity, understanding people in your life and how they impact you. These sessions can be offered in person or by phone.

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