Lymphatic Drainage Massage Portsmouth, NH


Detoxify With Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Portsmouth, NH

The lymphatic drainage massage we provide in our wellness center in Portsmouth, NH is a pleasant way of cleaning out your body. With gentle, rhythmic, and massage-like manipulations, the lymphatic vessels are stimulated to promote the body’s ability to remove toxins.

Lymphatic drainage massage results in the reduction of swelling, especially for sufferers of lymphedema and fibromyalgia. Lymphatic massage recipients also experience pain relief and improvements in their overall health status.

The peaceful and serene sanctuary offered by Massage and Wellness Collective gives you a perfect environment for lymphatic drainage massage. Modalities can also be blended to create the ideal massage and wellness program for your needs.

What To Expect During a Lymphatic Drainage Massage Session?

A trained massage professional provides lymphatic drainage massage. They apply gentle pressure over the skin, which is not hard enough to be felt in the muscles. The massage doesn’t go over the swollen or infected areas. No lotions or other products are used during a massage.

The recipient prepares for massage by doing lymphatic breathing to help move fluid through the lymph nodes and vessels. Other parts of the body, such as the neck, arms, and knees, are prepared under the guidance of the massage professional.

Depending on the complaint, the upper body, the lower body, or both will receive a massage. For the upper body, lymph fluid is drained from the chest, upper arms, and shoulders. For the lower body, massaging the upper and lower legs facilitates the draining of lymph fluid.


What Are the Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Portsmouth, NH?

Lymphatic drainage massage provides benefits to people who suffer a buildup of lymphatic fluid because of:

  • Filariasis, a disease caused when certain parasites carried by mosquitoes infest the lymph node.
  • Burn scar excision
  • Trauma or infection in the lymphatic system
  • Cancer or if the recipients received cancer treatments involving the removal of lymph nodes.
  • Health conditions that result in irregularities in blood flow to extremities
  • Vein thrombosis
  • Fibromyalgia

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Relieves Swelling of the Extremities

The improvement of movement of lymphatic fluid in the arms, hands, legs, or feet eases swelling on those parts, which restores mobility.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Also Helps Relieve Swelling in Other Parts of the Body

Lymphatic drainage massage performed in the upper body also helps relieve swelling in areas such as the breast, chest, face, and shoulders. Lower body lymphatic drainage massage also helps quell the swelling in the groin.

Lymphatic Drainage Face Massage In Portsmouth, NH Also Has Excellent Benefits

Lymphatic drainage massage on the face is a gentle technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system’s natural drainage. By using light, rhythmic strokes on the face and neck, this massage aims to reduce facial puffiness, improve circulation, and enhance the elimination of toxins. Benefits include reduced puffiness, improved skin tone, detoxification, relaxation, and enhanced overall skin health. Choosing Massage and Wellness Collective ensures safe and effective application.

Pain Relief

The improvements in blood flow and lymph fluid movement also help facilitate pain relief and changes in sensation.

Relieves Feelings of Heaviness

The improvement in lymphatic fluid movement improves mobility overall. Not only do the feet, arms, and legs enjoy the restoration of mobility, but the benefit of improved fluid flow also brings a feeling of lightness all over the body. This sensation also results in more ease in fitting into clothing because of the better sensation of freedom of movement.

Why Choose Us for Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Portsmouth, NH

Lymphatic drainage massage can benefit any person, whether they are suffering from swelling or want to restore lightness and have more freedom of movement. Major events in our lives, like cancer treatment or vascular surgery, leave us susceptible to lymphatic buildup. However, everyday problems like dietary imbalance and a sedentary lifestyle can also cause problems for the lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage works great post any plastic or cosmetic surgery.

We also offer other modalities that can complement lymphatic massage. Let us come up with a therapy plan designed specifically for you. If you are in and around Portsmouth, NH and look for a “lymphatic drainage massage near me” or “lymphatic drainage massages near me,” look for Massage and Wellness Collective, where you can find a sanctuary ideal for lymphatic drainage massage. 


Fill out the contact form on our booking page to book a session. To learn more about lymphatic drainage massage in Portsmouth, NH, call us at (603) 373-8780.


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